Rabu, 21 Oktober 2015

Quote Wednesday #7

Amateurs practice until they get it right.
Professionals practice until the can't get it wrong.


Rabu, 14 Oktober 2015

Quote Wednesday #6

It takes a lot of courage and trust to look past what you've been through,
and trust someone new not to put you through it again.


Senin, 12 Oktober 2015

Monday Makeup Lesson (Macam-macam jenis Eye Brow Product)

1. Eyebrow Pencil
2. Eyebrow Wax dan Powder Duo
3. Eyebrow Pencil (Tanpa Raut)
4. Eyebrow Mascara
5. Eyebrow Pen
6. Eyebrow Gel

Rabu, 07 Oktober 2015

Quote Wednesday #5

Most of the problem in life are because of two reasons:

We act without thinking


We keep thinking without acting


Senin, 05 Oktober 2015